Phrases for comparing: Comparatives and superlatives

Comparatives and superlatives

superlative (-est or most ...) or a comparative (-er or more ...).

Longer, the longest
Bigger, the biggest
FAR, FURTHER, the furthest
Busier, the busiest
MORE POPULAR, the most  popular 

Russia is far/alot/much bigger than Belgium. ( for large differences)

Slightly Sentence Examples: 

Today is slightly cooler than yesterday.

X is SLIGHTLY higher than Y
X is much higher than Y
X is a little bit higher than Y
X is a lot higher than Y

France is a little/a little bit/ slightly bigger than Spain. ( for small differences)

This is the best  idea we have, sir. By far

Thee  Nile is only slightly longer (long) than the Amazon.
Australian road signs are slightly different from road signs in the UK.
The UK is by far the largest of the three countries.
France  is slightly more crowed than UK
Ireland is much more popular than UK with tourists.
Heatheow Intl Airport is a lot busier than Dublin Airport.
The city centre's a lot busier than it used to be.
The shops are completely different from before.
The traffic's a bit better than it was.
Public transport's  worse than it used to be.
This is one of the biggest parks in the  city.
The square looks is exactly the same as it was before.
This is one of nicest areas of town.


It's in the southnest.
It's about 150 kilometres from Mexico City.
It's near border with Turkey.
The city of Livepool stands on the River Mersey.
The city of the Petra ids famous for its  ancient runs.
It's a small town on the east coast of Australia.


Linking words and phrases

- A meal in the Piazza restaurant costs 15 euros. A meal in the Milano Restaurant costs 11 euros.
( A meal in the Milano restaurant costs less than a meal in the Piazza restaurant)

- The Hotel A is 50 euros a night, The Hotel B is 75 euros.
( The Hotel A  is not as expensive as the Hotel B.)

- Phil's flat has four rooms ans balcony. My flat's opposite his, and It's got four rooms and a balcony too.  (My flat's as the same as Phil's)

He doesn't play as well as I do
The silver is not as expensive as gold.
Linda is not quite as tall as  her sister.

One-syllable words:

The sky was inky black, the darkest sky I have ever seen.  
Every day, it's getting hotter and hotter.

There were a fewer people in my old class.
There is less space in this room than in the other one.

Fewer is countable
Less is uncountable.

Cheap / Cheaper / The Cheapest
Short/ Shorter / The Shortest
Slim or Tin/ Slimmier or Tinmnier/ The Slimmiest or The Tinniest

The smaller x the biggest
The quietest x The busier
nearer than x the  furthest
 The most polluted x Cleanest
better than x The worst
The easier x more difficult
more interesting than x The most boring

All around the world:
What  do you know  about Moscow and Hong Kong?

Russia is by far the biggest country  by area in the world.
It is over 17 million square kilometres, but China has a much bigger population, with nearly 1.4 billion people. Seoul, in South Korea, is the most populated city in the world with a population of about 10.3 million people.

Recording about China...

Q? So is Hong kong very different from before, from when it was British?
A= On the surface, no, I mean you still find all the some groups of people here and  daily life is very simliar to how it was before. We still do the same things and Hong Kong people still run around all the time, we never relax! The pace of life is still very fast, very frantic. But I think people feel slightly different nowadays.

Recording about Moscow...

Q?  So is Moscow very different from how it was in the early nineties?
A= Completely different. Sometimes you feel as if you are in different city.

Q? in what way?
A= It used to be very dirty and  shabby (lamentable, don't looks smart) 
Even the beautiful historical monuments were very dirty, and there was rubbish everywhere in  the streets. It's much cleaner now. They have repaired the old buildings, and a lot of  attractive news ones have appeared.

Adjectives with prepositions Examples:

Different from
The same as
worse than
similar to

  • The church A is more or less than same as the one B
  • The church window A is exactly the same as the one B
  • The telephone box A is slightly different from the one B
  • The tour bus A is completely different from the one B
  • The bus driver A is very similar to the one B

  • Very similar from - Very similar to - Exactly the same as - Slightly different from - about the same as as - Completely different from...

    1.The weather was much  in England than in Spain last week.Correct
    2.Liverpool didn't play as  as Manchester on Saturday.Correct
    3.John is  than David.Correct
    4.His latest film is  than the last one.Correct
    5.The new chairs aren't nearly  comfortable as the old brown ones.Correct
    6.It's  in Germany than in England during the winter.
    7.I feel  today than I did yesterday.Correct
    8.She's lost a lot of weight and is  now than she was last time I saw her.Correct
    9.We are going to be  next month than we are at the moment.Correct
    10.The class rooms look a lot  now that they have all been painted.Correct

    Exercise 2
    1.This is a really good school. It's one of the  schools in the North West.Correct
    2.That was a really good meal, probably one of the  I have ever eaten.(delicious)Correct
    3.I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep. I think that he is one of the  people in the world. (boring)

    4.Travelling by plane is  than going by car. (quick)

    5.He lives  from school than John. (further)

    6.What is the  sport in your country? (popular)Correct
    7.David Beckham is  than his wife, at least that's what I think. (famous)Correct
    8.She is by far the  woman in the world. (rich)

    9.She is just a little bit  than I am. (tall)Correct
    10.School days are supposed to be the  days of your life but I don't agree.(happy)


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